Posted by ,ø¤º° zee °º¤ø, Selasa, 15 Desember 2009 0 comments
We are Work Interactive, a digital agency based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

During the last few months we have been busy developing a tool called Vertical Blogger ( which acts as a meeting point between bloggers and advertisers so bloggers can make money from their blogs.

Advertisers will post suggestions for blogs that need to have a maximum of 250/300 words and will pay around £25-£30 per blog. Each blog can post one article per campaign per month as long as it fits into the sector of the advertiser's campaign.

If you are interested in using our platform you can register at The tool has been translated into Spanish and English but very soon we will launch it in French and other languages. However, bloggers from every nationality and language can register.

If you know anybody who may be interested please forward them this email.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards

Javier Bravo
Head of Marketing at Work Interactive Ltd

Nah... silahkan di terjemahkan sendiri ya.

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Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i para Saudagar kaya maupun miskin yang kebetulan singgah berkenan hadir dan menorehkan sesuatu, apapun itu bentuknya... apapun! kami ucapkan terima kasih serta syukur kepada illahi robbi atas kedermawanan kalian semua.

salam sayang,

zainal arifin

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